Ruby is a multifunctional programming language that is dynamic, analytical, object-oriented, and multipurpose. In the 1990s, the founder, “Matz” Matsumoto, modeled and developed this language (in Japan).

Ruby has gained popularity as a result of Ruby on Rails, which accelerates the development of web apps. But that isn’t the only advantage Ruby has. Those who are just learning the programming language will fall in love with it once they see how easy it is.

Full-stack web development, Web scraping, crawling, parsing, data cleaning, and filtering are some of the real-life examples of Ruby.  After listing all of these, the purpose of this post is to introduce novices to some excellent project ideas that they can implement on their own.

So be ready to learn about some popular Ruby on rails project ideas that will help you improve your Ruby programming skills.

Skills To Gain After Ruby Project Ideas Implementation

Ruby project ideas

Focusing on a Ruby project is a great approach to improving your programming skills. Projects allow you to apply what you’ve learned in class to a real-world situation. If you wish to study Ruby, here are some key skills you may learn and practice.

  1. Front-end web development. Ruby is a popular programming language for creating dynamic web pages and user interfaces. As you master HTML, CSS, and JavaScript while studying Ruby, you will gain new techniques in front-end web development.
  2. Syntax expertise. Ruby programming makes use of syntax with specialized functions that you must learn. Learning how loops, classes, and conditional expressions work is part of this.
  3. Database management. You’ll learn how to use Ruby to maintain and administer a database alongside SQL. This is a crucial step in the process of creating a website or software application.
  4. Model-View-Controller (MVC) Framework. Working on a Ruby project can teach you how to build a solid MVC framework. An MVC allows you to practice segregating each layer in order to ensure that the website or application has a logical structure.
  5. Restful API. In website or software development, establishing a restful API is critical to ensuring a structured and orderly data exchange. Because Ruby developers will be working with data transfers, this is one of the most important skills to have.

Why Should You Practice Ruby By Working On Projects?

Project-based learning is an effective strategy in which you acquire a skill by completing a project. This learning method allows you to understand not only the theory but also how to put it into practice.

You’ll practice the elevated logic of your Code And Project By Creating A Ruby project, and you’ll see how each individual line affects your application. You’ll also learn how to solve problems and how to resolve them. With so many Ruby projects to choose from, picking one that appeals to you will make the learning experience more enjoyable and long-lasting.

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You will have studied and practiced Ruby methods, acquired problem-solving abilities, learned how to ask questions, and had a finished project to show off when you finish developing a project.


Is it possible for Ruby newbies to learn through creating Ruby on rails projects?

Ruby projects for beginners are an excellent approach to Learning The language. Beginners experience two primary challenges when learning Ruby: not knowing why they’re studying Ruby and losing motivation. You’ll be capable of overcoming both obstacles by learning Ruby through projects.

You might not know how to apply Ruby concepts in the actual world when you’re learning Ruby. Focusing on basic Ruby projects, on the other hand, you quickly understand how each line of code affects your project. By putting theories into perspective, you’ll be able to better grasp how to use them and uncover more resources to finish your Ruby project.

These Ruby projects for beginners might also aid in the early development of your portfolio. Each Ruby project you complete can be added to your portfolio to show off your new abilities.

Another problem that newbies face is a lack of motivation. When it comes to initiatives, though, you might choose a beginner Ruby project that interests you. When you’re working on something intriguing, you’ll not only be more driven, but you’ll also want to keep improving the project.

The sense of success you’ll feel as your Ruby project comes together will give you the motivation to keep going even when things become tough. You’ll also learn how to approach challenges from different perspectives and how to do your own research. One of the most crucial abilities a developer should have is the capacity to fix issues.

Top Fun-Filled Ruby on Rails Project Ideas

Now that we have a distinct idea of why & how Ruby projects can benefit you, let us move on to reveal the many fun and learning-filled ideas that you can quickly start working on. Let’s start!


1. Develop a Chat Widget using Chatwoot

The purpose of this project is to add a chat feature to a business or eCommerce website so that customers can simply ask inquiries or approach customer service. It’s one technique to increase a customer support platform’s responsiveness so that a prospective transaction can be made straight away via the dynamic chat widget.

2. Build a 2D game with Goby

You would be able to create a whole game with 2D animation, music, and other adjustable aspects as part of this project. You’ll utilize Goby, a free open-source Ruby framework, for this project. You can progress to bigger projects with more components to work on once you’ve mastered creating games.

3. Managing web databases with FluentD

FluentD is a wonderful tool to use if you wish to learn how to maintain a database for a website and mobile app. With the assistance of SQL and Hadoop, you will compile different information and verify that everything is appropriately logged in this project. Access logs, app logs, and system logs, as well as data analysis, are all covered by this robust Ruby framework.

4. Create a website with Nokogiri

If you want to develop a website and learn design concepts, Nokogiri is a valuable Ruby framework. It can be used to organize hyperlinks and image elements using HTML and CSS. More significantly, Nokogiri aids in the creation of restful APIs, which are required to make a website interactive. It also makes certain that the correct data is displayed.

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5. Create a background job system

It entails developing a background system that enables you to perform multiple jobs simultaneously. You can execute a variety of operations while saving time by establishing efficient communication between the client and the server. To avoid damages or running into an issue, make sure it only accepts a fixed number of jobs to complete.

6. Make an Event Coordinator

You must develop an event manager that contains all of the essential data and information to function as an index in this project. To arrange data, you can use ERB as a template and numerous open-source Ruby utilities like CSV.

Setting up constraints to assist you in separating incomplete information, such as a phone number missing a digit or wrong zip codes, is among your set objectives.

7. Road Trip Planner

Destinations, maps, statistics, measurements, and possibly real-time content updates will all be included in this road trip planner. When creating this application, you’ll need a dependable database to store data that the user might not remove straight immediately. You can also include information on rest spots and hotels that will be valuable to the user on a road trip.

8. Bot Reminder

Syntax knowledge and understanding of the RESTful API are two of the Ruby skills that have been practiced.
You will design an application for this project that will remind you to complete specific daily duties. You may make a bot reminder that links to other apps with this project. It will be able to sync activity notifications as a result of this. Ruby and PHP are commonly used in this project.

9. Tic-tac-toe game

This project shows you How to use Ruby to create a Tic Tac Toe game. The object-oriented characteristic of Ruby allows you to develop a game for two players and establish the requirements for winning. You can also look into other Ruby libraries if you want to make different kinds of games.

10. Real Estate Property App

Projects like these have the advantage of putting your application development talents to the forefront. You’ll build sign-in and sign-up functionalities. Because you will be gathering sensitive data and information from users, your app must have appropriate safety measures in place. You’ll also need to create an ideal feed that includes photographs of homes as well as detailed information about them.

11. Binary Search Tree

This is yet another Ruby project that necessitates computer science knowledge due to its use of binary search trees. You’ll be able to maintain data structures and ensure that data and information are appropriately interconnected using binary search trees. Your completed project would ensure that no duplicate values exist, which could create misunderstanding when data is pulled.

12. Your personal LinkedIn

This project, which focuses on building a strong and dependable database, incorporates Ruby and certain computer science concepts. You’ll need to know about data structures and how to move arrays and lists without affecting their existing state. Your objective is to design nodes that will protect the present data structure from problems.

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13. Your personal Instagram

This project shows you how to use Ruby on Rails to create a strong social networking site like Instagram. You will learn how to design various features such as sign up and sign in, as well as an update settings page, in this project. You’ll need to pay closer attention to making sure the profile and feed interfaces are optimized and robust enough to load multiple images at once.

14. SAAS Products

Ruby on Rails is a useful framework for creating a variety of SaaS products. It tackles the most typical and tough infrastructure challenges that you may encounter while developing a SaaS product or web application. With Ruby on Rails, you can concentrate on creating a usable application with a well-defined logic and structure. And you can keep extending it indefinitely without jeopardizing its lightness.

15. eCommerce Website

You can use functionality like mass uploading and updating (for product descriptions and graphics, if you have lots of items), custom pricing algorithms, and on-the-fly photo resizing/cropping that are common in high-end e-commerce suites (especially handy for making product thumbnails for browse pages).

Bonus Tip: Start organizing your Ruby project portfolio

As a Ruby programmer, you should create a portfolio to show off your skills. Pertinent projects and clear details of how you completed them should be included in your portfolio. When putting together your portfolio, keep the following points in mind.

Keep things simple and straightforward

Ensure your portfolio includes projects that are relevant to the position you are applying for. Make it as simple as possible by removing any extraneous information that may cause the reader to become confused. Focus your portfolio on the projects’ importance as well as the approaches and best practices you used to execute them.

Highlight your accomplishments

All of your most spectacular projects should be included in your portfolio. The ones you’re most proud of should be highlighted. Make sure the facts you give will pique the interest of companies and others who might be looking at your portfolio.

Be as specific as possible with your procedures

You must be meticulous in your procedures. This will demonstrate your degree of competence and understanding of a topic or skill relevant to your project. It’s also crucial that you can justify what you’ve written in your portfolio.

In A Nutshell

The numerous project ideas we discussed in this article are the best source of Ruby project ideas. They are described in a systematic manner to help you comprehend them better. Our number 1 goal is to keep you up-to-date with what’s happening in the market and what will benefit your career.

We hope you liked this article, keep following InApps for more such content.


Is there a future for Ruby?

Yes, Ruby has a bright future ahead of it. Despite the fact that there are now more widely used programming languages than Ruby, programmers and developers continue to use it in their projects. It isn’t the quickest language to learn, but it does have a vibrant community that keeps its libraries up to date. Ruby does not have a functional problem, but it does compete with other languages like Python.

What can you do with Ruby?

You can use Ruby just like you would use any other general-purpose scripting language. A few examples would be web applications, web servers, system utilities, database work, etc.

Is it possible to create websites with Ruby?

Yes, Ruby can be used to create websites. Ruby is largely used for web development, and the majority of its frameworks are designed to aid in the creation of websites. Ruby is used by some of the most popular services, including Twitter, Airbnb, and Hulu.

Is it possible for Ruby beginners to learn through creating Ruby projects?

Beginner Ruby projects are an excellent approach to learning the language. Beginners confront two primary challenges when learning Ruby: not knowing why they’re studying Ruby and losing motivation. You’ll be able to overcome both obstacles by learning Ruby through projects.



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