What is Learning Management System?

A Learning Management System (LMS) is like an online hub for learning. It helps schools, businesses, and anyone teaching something to organize and deliver lessons on the internet.

With an LMS, you can create courses, keep track of how well people are doing, and share all kinds of learning materials, like videos and quizzes. It’s super handy for making learning easy and fun, and it’s used in schools, companies, and all sorts of places to help people learn online.

About InApps Free Learning Management Systems For Schools

We understand that digital transformation is an inevitable trend. According to Globenewswire, the global learning management system (LMS) market reached $13.4 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at 14.5% annually, reaching nearly $50 billion by 2029.

We recognize the importance of applying technology in education to open the door of knowledge to everyone. Therefore, we have decided to launch this special sponsorship program, featuring our free learning management systems for schools. This is  to help reduce the financial and time burden of developing a learning management system (LMS) for schools and institutions.

  • We commit to sponsoring 100% of software development costs, helping schools and institutions save hundreds of thousands of dollars and over 3,000 project development hours.
  • The sponsor slots are limited in this Oct.
  • Schools and institutions only need to contribute the remaining 10%-15% costs for installation, operation, maintenance and hosting.
  • This is a great opportunity to step into the digital age.

Through this sponsorship program, we hope to provide opportunities for schools and educational institutions, especially those in disadvantaged areas, to gradually improve training quality and bring knowledge to millions of students.

Special features of InApps Free learning management system

Course Management

  • Course creation – Create courses with video, documents, quizzes, and other materials
  • Course organization – Organize course content into modules/lessons
  • Teaching tools – Discussion forums, announcements, messaging for teacher-student interaction
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User Management

  • User roles – Different roles like teacher, student, admin, organization
  • Enrollments – Enroll users in courses
  • Profiles – Manage user profiles and information

Content Delivery

  • Video streaming – Host and deliver video content
  • Documents – Share course documents like PDFs
  • SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) support – Upload SCORM learning packages


  • Quizzes – Create graded quizzes and exams
  • Assignments – Create assignments for students to submit
  • Grading – Grade assignments and quizzes


  • Reports – Activity, progress, and performance reports
  • Tracking – Track content access, course progress
  • Certificates – Issue certificates to students


  • Permissions – Set user permissions and access level
  • Customization – Customize platform interface and branding
  • Integration – APIs for integration with other systems


  • Live class
  • In-app Video Call
  • Meeting Booking
  • Reward Points
  • And much more…

If you know anyone in need of this solution, please share this unique sponsorship opportunity with them. This will certainly be a precious gift, opening the door of technology and knowledge, helping students access knowledge more effectively.

Contact us now not to miss the opportunity, together creating a positive milestone for education in the digital age!

InApps Technology
“Realize Ideas via Innovative Tech & Wow Experience”
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Phone: +1 310 906 4209
Email: sales@staging.inapps.net
Direct Message: https://m.me/InAppsTech

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