In 2023, Vietnam’s ICT sector faced challenges recently, with an 8.66% revenue drop due to global economic difficulties, the Ukraine conflict, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite this, foreign direct investment (FDI) in Vietnam remains strong. In the first eight months of 2023, FDI reached $18.15 billion, up 8.2% from the previous year. Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City are the top 2 hotspots for FDI.

This demonstrates Vietnam’s appeal as a destination for offshore PHP development and other tech investments. Vietnam’s lower living costs also make it a cost-effective choice compared to Western countries or other top offshore regions.

In this blog, we’ll explore in detail why Vietnam is an excellent destination to hire offshore PHP developers, discuss key factors to consider when hiring, and provide tips for effectively managing your offshore team. Towards the end, you get to explore simple steps in hiring an offshore PHP development team, and the costs involved. Now, let’s dive in!

1. Benefits of hiring offshore PHP developers in Vietnam

1.1 Cost savings

Offshore PHP development in Vietnam is cost-effective. It is actually one of the top outsourcing countries in the world, among Poland, India, Ukraine, and the Phillippines, so hiring PHP developers from Vietnam offers competitive pricing for either mobile or web PHP development services. Why?
It’s because Vietnam’s cost of living and labor is lower than in many Western countries. In San Francisco, California, the average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment is about $ 3,000. In contrast, the same type of apartment costs around $300 per month in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Not to mention other living expenses are lower in Vietnam too. This gap allows you to hire skilled developers at a fraction of the cost. For example, while a PHP developer in the US might charge $60-$80 per hour, Vietnamese developers can offer similar services for significantly less​ ($20-$40).

1.2 Skilled Workforce

Vietnam IT workforce educational background.

Vietnam IT workforce’s educational background. Source: TopDEV 2023 Vietnam IT Market Report

Most developers have educational backgrounds from universities (48%) and colleges (26%) with degrees in IT or computer science. Additionally, other methods of learning to code, such as YouTube tutorials, online courses, and official documents are becoming more popular due to the high demand for tech talent in the market. Coursera, Udemy, Linkedin Learning, Pluralsight, etc are among the most popular platforms Vietnam developers go to to learn new technologies.

Besides, Vietnam has a growing pool of talented PHP developers. Many Vietnamese PHP developers are well-educated and experienced in using the latest PHP frameworks and technologies such as Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter. Among other frameworks, Laravel remains the most popular framework in the PHP tech stack with more than 75%, followed by CodeIgniter & Symfony.


1.3 Strong Work Ethic

In general, Vietnamese work culture is heavily influenced by Confucianism and Collectivism. While the former expects employees to show deference to leaders and value the experience of elders, Collectivism prioritizes group harmony, teamwork, and shared goals over individual achievements. This collective mindset enhances cooperation and unity within work teams.

Besides, from our experience, Vietnamese developers are usually regarded for their dedication to delivering high-quality results. For example, many clients at InApps Technology praise Vietnamese developers for their reliability and ability to meet tight deadlines consistently. One client shared how their Vietnamese team not only met all deadlines but often delivered work promptly.

Strong work ethic - one of the benefits of hiring Vietnam PHP developers

Clients praise Vietnamese developers at InApps Technology for their dedication to deadlines and amazing communication.

Additionally, developers in Vietnam are known for their proactive approach to ensuring customer satisfaction by thoroughly understanding project requirements and offering innovative solutions. This level of dedication is the key to smooth progress and high-quality outcomes.

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1.4 Time Zone Advantages

Vietnam’s time zone (GMT+7) is convenient for businesses in the Asia-Pacific region during offshore PHP development. Even better, Vietnam development team can overlap well with working hours in Europe and the US. This is because Vietnam shares similar working hours with countries like China, Singapore, and Australia. Also, there is a partial overlap of 5-7 hours with European countries like Germany and the UK, so PHP developers from Vietnam and the EU can share working hours to hop on quick meetings during the afternoon in Vietnam and morning in Europe.

Meanwhile, there is limited overlap with the US, mainly in the early morning or late evening, so some outsourcing companies in Vietnam assign 1-2 developers to stay up late for status updates and pop-up meetings.

1.5 Scalability

Vietnamese offshore PHP developers offer flexibility and scalability to your project. Some offshore companies, like InApps Technology, have flexible replacement policies to help you work with the right developers. Plus, you can easily scale your team up or down based on the project requirements. This way, you can manage resources efficiently and control costs. This is especially beneficial for startups and small to medium-sized businesses that need to adapt their offshore PHP development quickly to changing demands.

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2. Factors to consider when hiring offshore php developers in Vietnam

2.1 Hidden costs

Hidden costs refer to unforeseen expenses that go beyond the obvious and initial contract price when hiring offshore developers (this includes hiring an offshore PHP development team as well).

One of the reasons that cause hidden costs is scope creep in your offshore php development. Scope creep happens when a project starts to grow beyond its original goals. This means adding new features or making changes that weren’t planned at the beginning. These extras often lead to more work and higher costs, which weren’t included in the initial budget.

To minimize hidden costs, before starting the project, write down all the details of what you want. Make sure everyone understands and agrees on what will be included. Be clear about what is part of the project and what is not. However, it’s important to allow for changes as new suggestions can be beneficial to your project. This is when a change management process comes in handy.

If someone wants to add or change something, they need to make a formal request. This means writing down what they want and why. If you agree to the change, update the project’s budget and schedule. Make sure everyone agrees to the new plan. This will help you better prepare for any possible extra costs, reducing disappointment upon receiving the news.

Please keep in mind that you can minimize these costs, but not avoid them altogether. Additional features or changes may be needed as the project progresses. One way is to allow some room for this category when you set your budget for offshore PHP web/mobile development.

2.2 Respect for Hierarchy

In Vietnamese work culture, respect for hierarchy means decisions often require approval from senior developers/ project managers, which can slow down project timelines. Besides, junior PHP developers may defer to senior staff and might not voice concerns or suggestions openly. This can lead to unaddressed issues that might affect project quality and timelines.

In understanding this hierarchical structure, some key actions need to be addressed at the beginning. Apart from setting clear communication channels, you should specify who has the authority to make certain decisions and the entire php development team is informed. This way, whenever issues arise, junior members know who they will have to report to. Also, it’s important to foster an environment where junior members feel comfortable sharing ideas and concerns. This makes sure critical issues won’t go unnoticed and ensures all voices are heard.

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Or you can adopt agile project management practices that encourage collaboration and iterative progress. Agile methods can help flatten hierarchies and empower team members at all levels to contribute actively.

2.3 Time zone differences

Vietnam (GMT+7) has limited overlap with the US but more with Europe. New York City has GMT-5 while Western European Time (WET) is GMT +0, Central European Time (CET) is GMT+1, and Eastern European Time (EET) is GMT +2.

This means that when it’s usually early morning in Vietnam, it’s late evening in New York. Meanwhile, when it’s early morning in Vietnam, it’s afternoon in the EU. This means it’s easier to schedule key meetings during overlapping hours with the EU team than with the US team.

This time gap calls for Flexible Work Hours not limited to a 9-5 time range. Clients should consider flexible working hours for both teams to increase overlap time. Vietnamese teams might start earlier or stay later, while your team can adjust accordingly. In the meantime, make sure to utilize project management and communication tools like Slack, Zoom, and Asana to update in real time. Detailed updates and clear documentation can help bridge the gap.

2.4 Communication issues

English proficiency levels can vary among Vietnamese developers. While some developers can speak amazing English, others could struggle to keep them. Besides, Vietnamese programmers might be less direct in expressing concerns or disagreements compared to some EU countries, like Germany. Therefore, it’s important to pick candidates who can express themselves comfortably in English and share your working styles. This is to avoid any misunderstandings due to language differences which could lead to project delays and errors.

2.5 Security considerations

Security concerns are one of the top priorities regardless of the nationalities of your offshore developers. Offshoring can expose sensitive data to risks. Ensure that the offshore team follows strict data protection and confidentiality protocols. Clearly define IP rights in contracts to protect your proprietary information. Make sure your offshore partner complies with international data protection regulations, such as GDPR if dealing with European clients.

3. How to hire offshore php developers from Vietnam

3.1 Define Your Offshore PHP Development Requirements

Start by outlining exactly what you need for your project. If you’re unsure of what you need, you can consult them (especially when you decide to partner with an offshore development center, they have experts who you can seek advice).

Then, make a list of required skills, experience levels, and the scope of work. For example, if you need a developer experienced in Laravel for an e-commerce site, specify that.

* This is a typical Request For Proposal we received after we fixed the word order and some typo errors.

3.2 Research Offshore Development Centers or PHP Freelancers

The next step is to look for trusted offshore development agencies or freelance platforms like Upwork or Freelancer that have Vietnamese PHP developers. Normally, people search “offshore php development” on Google. Make sure you add the location right after, like “in Vietnam” for the search to be exact.

Once you’ve narrowed it down to 2-4 companies, check their reviews on Clutch (or other technology listing platforms) and digital presence to ensure reliability and market presence. If you find offshore development agencies specializing in PHP development with consistent positive client feedback, you’ve found yourself a gem. The next step is to reach out to them.

3.3 Conduct Interviews with your PHP developers and Evaluate PHP Candidates

Once you’ve contacted the outsourcing agency, they will schedule initial meetings to discuss your project’s goals, scope, and specific technical requirements. This includes discussing the functionalities you need, the technologies you prefer, and the timeline for the project.

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Then they’ll introduce the international development team, including developers, project managers, and other relevant personnel. You can review potential candidates, their portfolios, and past projects at this stage. You may conduct a technical test just to be sure. This task should reflect the real challenges they’ll face in your project. During the interviews, pay attention to their English skills, and how clear and fluent their speaking is clarity. This step ensures smooth communication throughout the project.

evaluate offshore php developers

You can even ask key questions such as: “Can you describe a challenging project you worked on and how you solved it?” This helps you understand their problem-solving abilities. Or inquire about their methods for ensuring code quality and meeting deadlines, and discuss the tools they use for project management and communication.

Last but not least, Lastly, look for candidates who communicate proactively and are willing to ask questions to clarify requirements. Honesty and straightforwardness will save you from a ton of headaches in the future.

3.4 Start with a Trial Project

Some offshore development centers offer a trial period that lasts about 2 weeks- 1 month. InApps Technology offers a 1-month trial period, so clients can test their capabilities and working relationships. During this time, begin with a small, non-critical project. For instance, have them develop a minor feature or fix a bug. This trial run helps you assess their performance and reliability before committing to larger tasks.

4. Costs to hire offshore php developer in Vietnam

When hiring offshore PHP developers in Vietnam (or any other region), costs vary based on experience. Usually, developers in Vietnam earn from $20-$40/an hour. The rate could be higher if you’re working with a highly qualified and experienced PHP developer who add extra input to your project. Let’s break this down:

PHP developers salary in Vietnam

Freshers, with less than a year of experience, cost $4o0 to $50o per month and are ideal for simpler tasks. Also, keep in mind that they require supervision. Meanwhile, junior developers with 1-2 years of experience who can handle moderately complex tasks more independently, cost $600 to $900 per month. Middle-level developers, on the other hand, with 3-4 years of experience, cost $1000 to $1,500 per month and can manage significant project components efficiently.

Senior developers, with over five years of experience, charge $1,500 to $2000 per month. They lead major development efforts, mentor junior staff, and ensure high-quality outcomes. Leaders or managers, oriented technically, cost $1,600 to $2,300 per month and oversee teams to meet project goals.

Directors or architects, with extensive technical expertise, cost $2,003 to $2,680 per month and make crucial strategic decisions, ensuring the project’s overall architecture and direction.

The perfect approach to offshore PHP development is a bit similar to a hybrid model. Instead of hiring a team full of seniors or directors, choosing the right mix of these roles is essential for balancing cost and project quality. Freshers and juniors are cost-effective for basic tasks, while middle-level developers provide a balance of price and expertise. For complex projects, seniors, leaders, and directors ensure high-quality results and strategic oversight. This hybrid approach helps allocate your budget efficiently, providing the necessary skills and experience for project success.

5. Hire offshore php developers at InApps Technology

InApps Technology is a leading offshore development center where you can hire skilled PHP developers for your web and mobile projects at competitive rates. Our PHP team is experienced in delivering high-quality, scalable solutions tailored to your business needs.

Hire offshore php developers at InApps technology

Our PHP developers at InApps Technology are highly qualified professionals in web and mobile application development. Here are their key qualifications:

  • Educational Background: All our PHP developers hold degrees in Computer Science, Information Technology, or related fields from reputable universities.
  • Professional Experience: They have a minimum of 3-5 years of hands-on experience in PHP development, working on a variety of projects across different industries.
  • Technical Skills:
    • Proficiency in PHP frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter.
    • Strong understanding of front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and AJAX.
    • Experience with database management systems including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB.
    • Familiarity with version control systems like Git.
    • Knowledge of RESTful and SOAP APIs for seamless integration with other services.

What sets InApps apart:

  • our proven track record and commitment to client satisfaction: over 250+ projects, maintaining a 98% customer satisfaction rate.
  • our simplified hiring process: Requirement Analysis → Candidate Selection → Interviews and Assessment → Onboarding and Integration
  • seamlessly integrates our developers into your team and maintains clear communication.

Clutch review

By partnering with InApps, you benefit from timely delivery, transparent processes, and a dedicated team focused on your project’s success. We ensure you get excellent value for your investment. Contact us now!

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