If you’re in the container orchestration space, do you need to open source your platform? In the most recent podcast of Software Defined Talk, the gang uses Mesosphere’s recent open sourcing of it all to discuss that topic, plus marketing in the container world and an ongoing armchair strategizing of what’s going on the infrastructure software market right now on containers.

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Show notes

Mesosphere and Open Source

  • Tons of launch partners (60?), I wrote a Chef cookbook. Three horse race of Docker, Kubernetes and DC/OS (formerly Mesosphere).
  • 3Tera: Stephen on cloud back then, back when CA bought them.
  • Coté’s 451 Research report on Mesosphere, from 2014.
  • The Ducy Docker whiteboard snap.
  • From 451 analyst note, Jay Lyman, March 24th, 2016:
    • Total funding to date: $126 million — sweet Jesus! That’s a lot of DevOpsDays and O’Reilly conference booths!
    • Investors: Andreessen Horowitz, Khosla Ventures, and Fuel Capital, with new investors A Capital and Triangle Peak Partners — Microsoft and HPE.
  • From Jay’s longer report, March 2nd, 2016: “Mesosphere does not disclose its number of paying clients, but says it has dozens of large enterprise customers, its primary target. The company says its experience supporting software deployments in production is among its key differentiators, helped by the use of Apache Mesos by companies such as Twitter, Netflix, Airbnb, PayPal and Yelp, which was featured in a 451 User Deployment Report. Mesosphere says its focus is customer deployments of 500-1,000 nodes per day in production. It also says the bulk of its customers are licensees with professional services accounting for less than 10 percent of its clients, which tend to move to its subscription software.”
  • The a16z podcast episode on selling to developers.
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Feedback and Follow-up

  • NPS is actually fine. Apparently the OpenStack Survey linked to last time was from October, here’s the fresh new April one. The previously reported NPS scores were an error, it is trending up. In the new survey, the number one business driver is saving money. Also Mistral no longer last most popular project (re: StackStorm Brocade acquisition).
  • Getting into Google Play Podcast — first of all: “Google, welcome to the party. (Oh, and fuck you — again — about Google Reader. I’m still bitter).” Second, I had to resubmit my verification email because I use cote.io at WordPress now, and they don’t do catch-all email because stupid reasons I could give a shit about, I’m sure — I went into Feedburner and redid it, and now am awaiting Google to send an email to itself so I can go enter the claim code into Google. WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE.

Bonus links, not covered in show

  • DevOps is Dead. Apparently the Cloud killed DevOps, or this title is click-bait. From the article: “DevOps as a team may be gone sooner than later, but its practices will be carried on to whole development teams so that we can continue to build upon what it has brought us in the past years.” So, DevOpsDays Austin is officially awake now! This pieces had a great point to make, but sort of dry-humped it: “And when I say the cloud, I really mean managed services.” Outsourcing, brah. Outsourcing.
  • Azure and Containers. This piece from CTO Advisor answers part of last week’s question about “what’s up with containers?” Don’t see anything about Mesosphere here but at least it works with Visual Studio. Azure Stack not just IaaS, but also container manager and heading towards PaaS. Quote: “While Azure Stack would seem a fine standalone platform for the private cloud, it isn’t Microsoft’s end game. Azure Stack is Microsoft’s on-premises side of their hybrid strategy.”
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InApps is a wholly owned subsidiary of Insight Partners, an investor in the following companies mentioned in this article: Docker.