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Are you struggling to get people into your medical spa? Are you unable to get members to keep coming back?

It’s frustrating when you create a one-of-a-kind business to help others but can’t seem to book appointments. While your staff may be out of this world and your treatments are life-changing, your competitors continue to out-shine you.

What is important to understand is that people don’t buy the best products and services- they buy the ones that are communicated the most clearly. That is where marketing comes in!

With the world becoming more digitally focused, so too should your business.

In this article, we will explain what digital medical spa marketing your business should be performing.

Informative Website

Your website is your number one tool for medical spa marketing. According to studies, 81% of consumers conduct online research before making a purchase. Therefore, it is important that your clinic has a digital presence.

Value Proposition

Your website and landing pages should tell a story that focuses on your customers. You want to pinpoint a problem that you solve and explain to the customer how amazing their life can be, if only they work with your business.

Instead of focusing on features of your products or services, you want to explain the value that you can give to your customers. Your website is also your chance to address any concerns your visitor may have and overcome any objections.


At least half of your website’s visitors are going to be using their phones to view your content. Therefore, you want your website to be mobile-friendly. This means making navigation easy, buttons easily clickable by touch, and making sure no words are too small to read.

While being mobile-friendly is of high importance, you also want to make sure that you don’t let it affect your customers’ desktop usage. For example, you don’t want your main call to action to be “download our app” if your visitor is looking at your site on their computer.

User Experience (UX) Design

You want to make your website simple and easy to navigate. If your website is too confusing, your visitor will struggle with taking your desired action. Additionally, they may leave and end up on your competitors’ sites.

One key component to creating a good user experience is reducing friction. In order to reduce friction, you want to reduce the number of steps needed to complete the desired call to action.

Some ways to do this is by having:

  • Shorter instructions
  • Fewer clicks
  • Less scrolling
  • Fewer form fields

Pro tip: While you want to reduce friction as much as possible, if you notice you are getting a lot of unqualified leads, you can add more friction to your forms.

Nurturing Email Marketing

While some think email is a dying medium, we have found it is quite the opposite. According to Statista, there are 4 billion daily email users, and that number is expected to climb to 4.6 billion by 2025.

Read More:   The Digital Counterparts of Traditional Marketing

Email marketing is a great way to enhance your medical spa marketing and build relationships with potential customers as well as strengthen relationships with current customers.

Nurture Leads

There are many ways you can use emails to nurture leads. One great way that you can leverage email marketing is by emailing those who have purchased from you in the past to let them know of other services you provide.

Additionally, you can take time to highlight new or existing offerings, give updates, and share health tips.

Pro tip: Creating multi-email workflows is a great way to warm up leads and increase conversions


Another way to use email marketing to improve relationships is by emailing about upcoming appointments. This improves the customers’ experience and makes them feel as if you care.

Spa Email Reminder


You can include any pre-treatment instructions or upsell additional treatments that would go great with the one they are already scheduled for.

Additionally, after the treatment, you can have a follow-up email. This is a great way to get testimonials that you can use on your website and in your content.

Speaking of content…

Insightful Content Marketing

You want to create captivating content for all steps of your marketing funnel in order to nudge your audience to the next stage and closer to converting.

Content Goals

There are three main steps to the marketing funnel and each stage has unique goals and metrics.



  • Top of the funnel – your goal is to acquire new traffic and can be determined by the number of visitors
  • Middle of the funnel – this stage is where you turn visitors into leads and success can be measured by the number of returning visitors and new leads
  • Bottom of the funnel – here is where you convert leads into customers and the metric that can be used is revenue per visit

Once you know what your goal is, you can begin brainstorming content ideas for each stage of the funnel.


Blog posts are perfect for top-of-funnel content because they often bring in new visitors to your site.

They are often inexpensive, easy to create, and have a long lifespan. But, if you want them to work, you need to invest time and resources into them.

You want your posts to help solve your target audiences’ problems and end with a call to action that drives them to the next stage of the funnel.

Some fun blog topic ideas you can write about include:

  • Answering commonly asked questions about your treatments
  • Explaining the different benefits of your treatments
  • Tips for healthy living

Pro tip: Make your blogs easily skimmable with bullet points and section headers

Landing Pages

Landing pages are a great example of middle of funnel content that you can create for your medical spa marketing. These pages contain content specifically designed to get visitors to submit contact information and have the visitor complete the desired conversion.

Best practices for high-converting landing pages include:

  • Keep consistency in the messaging as well as visuals
  • Focus on a single CTA
  • Use social proof such as testimonials
  • Reduce friction to convert
  • Add urgency with countdowns

Pro tip: Remove the navigation bar from your landing page in order to keep the visitor from getting distracted.

Read More:   Target Audience - 4 steps to know them better

Service Comparisons

By now, your visitor is at the bottom of the funnel and knows that they want to book a treatment. But they don’t know what business to do it through.

They know all about you and your competitors and are doing their final comparisons before making a decision.

This is where a service comparison comes in. Instead of leaving it to a third-party site, you can create a written content piece or a video to compare your treatments to your competitors.

You will want to explain your unique value and include testimonials from past customers. Go through the features, benefits, and processes of your treatments and take the time to clearly state why yours is superior.

Interesting Social Media

Social media is another great way to build brand awareness and attract new leads. Everyone and their grandmother have a social media account.

The problem is while many businesses are on social media platforms, they aren’t doing it well. This is because they treat it like another sales platform rather than what it is made for, connecting.

Every social platform is different and therefore you should approach your strategy differently.


Instagram is a very visual platform. Therefore you want to make sure you are using aesthetically pleasing, professional photos.

Additionally, Instagram users want to be inspired. Therefore, a perfect content idea is posting before and after photos from current patients.


Twitter posts should be short and sweet. You can share blog links, quick updates, or relevant news.

Users go to Twitter to participate in interesting conversations. Therefore, you don’t want to talk at them. Instead, create conversations that they can join in on.


While you can repurpose some content from Instagram for Facebook, you still want to have a separate Facebook strategy. Users often go to Facebook to connect with family and friends.

One great content idea can be posting about events that your customers can share to show that they are attending one of your events. Additionally, Facebook is a great place to share user-generated content.


Video is taking over. Although many think of YouTube as just a place to watch videos of cats, it is actually the second largest search engine.

youtube search engine


While you can share short videos on other platforms, longer videos are perfect for YouTube. This is where you can explain your different treatments and procedures.

Your YouTube performance is all about watch time. In order to get more eyes on your videos, you need people to spend a lot of time watching your videos. One strategy for this is including links to your other videos on your end-screen.

Data-Driven Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization is a cost-effective medical spa marketing tool to bring in organic traffic. You can optimize your website, landing pages, blogs, and even YouTube videos.


As we mentioned before, your website is one of your business’s greatest assets. Therefore, you want to make sure potential customers are able to find it.

This means optimizing your website.

Select keywords that fit your business and services that have a high volume and low difficulty. A difficulty of 30/40 and lower is recommended.

This will help make sure that there are people searching these topics and ensure that you are not fighting over a keyword with a business that is much larger.

You will want to choose:

  • Core keywords – the main keyword your page is optimized for
  • Secondary keywords – search terms that are slightly different but closely related to the core keyword
  • Accessory keywords – keywords that come up in the same conversation as core keywords but aren’t directly related. They often have less search volume but are less competitive
  • Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords – these are not synonyms but are words that commonly show up together with your core keyword
Read More:   Link Building For SEO - What, Why and How to do it right

It is best practice to only have one core keyword per page, but you can have as many of the other keywords as you’d like.

Reputation Management

84% of people trust online reviews as much as friends. Therefore, it is very important to leverage testimonials and reviews from past customers online.

With Google My Business, you can look at reviews people leave on your Google account. When it comes to medical spa marketing, it is important to respond to any feedback, both positive and negative, in a timely manner.

Google My Business GMB Review Testimonial


There are three tactics you can use for reputation management:

  • Monitoring – keeping an eye on reviews through Google Alerts
  • Defense – create as many of your own digital assets as possible to own the first two pages of Google results
  • Offense – replying quickly and kindly to reviews

Pro tip: Try to respond to any reviews within 24 hours, and if they are negative, bring the conversation off the platform.

Localized Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

When you have a clinic in a specific location, it is best practice to target individuals based on their location. This is called geo-targeting.

You don’t want to waste ad money for someone in Miami, Florida to see your ad when you only have a clinic in Tampa.

There are two main types of Google ads: display and search.

Display Ads

Display ads, also referred to as banner ads, appear on websites that your customers are visiting. They are only shown to people who fit your specified criteria, such as showing interest in certain topics.

You can also run retargeting display ads that are sent to those who have visited your website in the past.

Search Ads

With paid search ads, you can target people who are actively searching for your services. Users looking for medical spa providers often search “near me” to find clinics.

To make sure you are getting your business in front of your target audience you should create a Google My Business page.

For all of your paid advertisements, you should run A/B testing, changing one aspect of an ad to see how visitors respond. This can be changing the CTA, your headline, or even photos.

Exciting Referral Program

New members who are referred by other customers typically have a better customer retention rate. These types of referral programs bring in new members and reward existing customers.

Craft a program that incentives both the individual referring a friend as well as the new member. Examples of incentives include:

  • Discounts
  • Free treatments
  • Free swag

Spa Referral Program, medical spa marketing


Word-of-mouth marketing is highly effective. Consumers are more likely to listen to a friend rather than a business because they trust them more.

Increase Bookings With A Digital Marketing Agency

Want to improve your clinics’ membership but don’t have the time or resources to do it yourself? Get expert medical spa marketing to boost your brand awareness and nurture relationships.

At Chatter Buzz Media, we have medical spa specialists who know what it takes to grow your business. Schedule a FREE consultation to learn how we can help you.

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