Project highlights

eCommerce Platform in the Health Care industry. The online pharmacy of Trung Son Alpha Joint Stock Company is one of the largest pharmacy chains in the Southwest of Vietnam.


The chains are currently present in nine provinces in the Mekong Delta and Ho Chi Minh City, specializing in retailing Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, Medical Supplies, and Functional Foods.


For more than 23 years of caring for Vietnamese people’s health, the Trung Son pharmacy chain is now a pioneer in implementing GPP pharmacy standards, providing more than 10,000 items.


Trung Son remains committed to offering reasonable prices, connecting many attractive incentive programs from suppliers, dedicated services, and above all, upholding the ethics of the Pharmaceutical industry.


• Allocated Ecommerce expert having multiple experiences in deploying corporate IT system
• Regularly communicated with the client to ensure working principles of data in their ERP system


• Product Listing
• Product Details
• Product Categories
• Shopping Cart
• Online Payment
• Delivery
• Loyalty member
• Point system
• Redeem
• Order history
• Live chat support
• Review & Rating
• Sync order to ERP


• The client’s complex ERP system created few challenges for integration
• Working with complex data calling for our flexibility in problem-solving


• Successfully launched and met deadlines
• Worked flawlessly with the client’s database system


• Flutter
• PHP Laravel
• NodeJS
• Magento
• FCM (Firebase Cloud Message)
• GCP (Google Cloud Platform)

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