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A Mobile app is like a product. We can give reasons to make you believe it. One of the major reasons is a customized mobile app can assist you to enhance the reputation of your business like other products. It is an online representative of your business that bridges the gap between your products or services and customers. However, some prevalent mobile app development myths still hold entrepreneurs back from bringing a customized mobile app.

Here we have debunked a few of the major and notorious myths about mobile app development services.

Myth 1. Innovative idea is all you need
An innovative and brilliant idea can be a first step toward the success of any business. It is true for mobile apps also. If idea is the unique and feasible, the app will be interesting and user-friendly. Only an innovative idea is sufficient to draw attention of people toward a business app.

The app stores have surged with apps. Though innovative idea can contribute a lot in making your app popular, you need to take care of other aspects also to stay ahead of the curve. Also, the brilliant idea needs a smart implementation to attract smartphone owners. Simple navigation, interactive interface, user-friendliness, and seamless performance are the USPs of a successful app.

Myth 2. App development is about coding
An enterprise-grade custom mobile app solution is developed by writing codes properly. Be it an Android app or iOS app, the mobile app development process is nothing but the coding.

Well, when you hire mobile app developers for developing a business app, you will see that the development process involves many aspects apart from coding. Some of the important factors are graphics, UI and UX design, and the use of cutting-edge tools. Also, it is necessary for the developers that they remain updated with the latest market trends in both technology and industry sectors.

In today’s competitive business scenario, the mobility has gone beyond apps, and the mobile app development company can help you leverage its benefits with high-quality mobility solutions.

Myth 3. Graphics can do the trick
Even if the app has some issues or no clear objectives for the users, it can sail through with the help of cool graphics. Graphics plays a critical role in ensuring the app’s success.

Appealing graphics can be a major factor for making your app a big hit. But, there is no guarantee that many people will download and use it for a long time. Even after a download, if people find that your app has some issues, they just don’t heed the appealing graphics and delete your app.

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Apart from interesting graphics following aspects should be kept in mind for making your business app successful.
Easy Navigation
Interactive Interface
Pleasant User Experience
Flawless performance

Myth 4. ASO is not necessary at initial level
Initially, the app can get enough downloads as people are curious about the new app. Therefore, there is no need of App Store Optimisation (ASO) immediately after the app is published on the app stores.

Daily, hundreds of thousands of apps are published in the app stores. It is difficult to excel in such a competitive environment because people can get several options for any app. Also, it is difficult to promote your app among a huge audience consists of either Android phone users or iPhone users. Therefore, it appears like a distant dream that people will download your app as it launches on the app store without putting many efforts.

ASO can improve your app’s visibility and assist you to get initial downloads through spreading awareness and promoting your app in an effective way.

Myth 5. First mobile app is easy to build
The first version of an enterprise mobile app is easy to develop because only a few basic features need to be integrated into it.

The custom mobile app solution includes all the necessary features and functionality. Even if the first app version includes only the basic features due to budget constraints, you cannot compromise on the performance. Therefore, it is better to give enough time in development and bug testing to come up with a flawless app.

In other words, development of the first mobile app for your business is not easy, and it can take some time as well.

Myth 6. Customers keep on using downloaded apps
Once customers download the app, they will use it anyway. Downloading of app needs efforts, after that things are getting easy to manage.

Do you know that an average mobile app loses almost 77% of daily users in the first three days of download? The same number extends to over 95% within just three months. These stats are horrific, especially for those who believe that they have to strive till the app is installed in the user’s device. It is necessary for you to track the user’s behavior and keep an eye on market trends.

You should also consider bringing an updated version of your business app to keep it fresh and relevant for the users. You can address the user’s suggestions and give advanced features in the updated version of your business app.

Also, it is necessary to promote your app regularly to spread awareness about it among a huge audience. You can utilize both paid and free ways to do so.

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Myth 7. Cross-platform app is sufficient
Cross-platform app development is a rapid and cost-effective way to come up with a business app with desired features.

It’s true that from development time and cost viewpoints, the cross-platform apps have an edge over native counterparts. But then, it is fairly possible that you may not get the desired look and feel from your cross-platform mobile app. It is because cross-platform tools have some limitations and it is difficult for these tools to keep pace with changing versions of Android and iOS.

Also, cross-platform apps are easy to customize as per the necessity but complex features are difficult to integrate into such apps. On the other hand, native apps have excellent functionality and performance. They are scalable and robust to meet the future business needs.

Myth 8. App marketing is costly affair
Mobile app marketing is pretty expensive and it can ruin the budget of mobile app development. It is fine to involve mobile app among other products that the company promotes.

Mobile app marketing is not much expensive because it can be done by paid and unpaid means. Unpaid marketing (which can be done at negligible cost) is beneficial on various platforms. However, it is advisable to promote your apps before and after a successful launch to get a higher ROI in the future. Also, it should be done by professionals rather than the marketing department of your business.

It is better to consult the mobile application development company to manage the app marketing campaign in a cost-effective way.

Myth 9. Features make the app successful
If you want to make your app successful, include as many as features as possible. The mobile app should look like a small version of the business website with the same features and functionality.

This is also one of the most prevalent myths that the mobile app is a miniature of an official business website. Some believe that an app is just a mobile version of a business site. Both these notions are baseless because web and mobile are completely different platforms. They target different audiences with different objectives.

The app features are indeed one of the most deciding factors for ensuring success, but apart from features, the app developers focus on the app’s functionality across different display size and devices. Also, the app features should be relevant and useful for the app users, otherwise more features can create confusion and make your business app complex.

Myth 10. Enterprise app development takes a lot of time
Enterprise mobile app is complex and takes a lot of time to develop. Meanwhile, it requires a lot of efforts and productive time of entrepreneurs.

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Well, traditional app development methods take some time in developing enterprise-grade apps. But these days, the mobile app development company adopts agile approach and rapid app building processes. As a result, you can get a unique enterprise mobile app in less time.

The rapid app development process can develop the app with desired features with the help of cutting-edge tools. It can enhance the efficiency of the app development.

Also, a few cloud-based readymade solutions can make the development process faster and you can get the feature-rich app in a short time.

Myth 11. Analytics is enough to track app’s performance
Mobile app analytics show precise data about the app’s performance. The analytics can help us measure the app’s functionality and we do not need other tools.

The mobile app analytics is an effective tool to track your app’s performance. But the following factors are necessary to consider to measure the app’s performance completely.

> Analyze functionality on different devices, this is particularly necessary for Android apps
> Find out screens or devices that are not included in the analytics
> Search for various devices to get the big picture

Myth 12. Websites are better than apps
The website can provide a better user experience as compared to mobile apps. This is one of the most popular myths about mobile apps.

It’s 2019 and there is no need to show the importance of a customized business app in the app-driven world. The user conversion rate is almost 120% higher on mobile apps than that on websites. People tend to use mobile devices for almost all daily activities. In such a scenario, the mobile app with necessary features can be a game changer for your business. Apart from playing an active role as an online marketing tool, the app can enable your customers to connect with your business.

Now, have your say. Have you considered any of these or other mobile app development services-related myths real? Just connect with us through and our team of experienced consultants will burst these myths in seconds!

Solution Analysts is one of the top mobile app development companies in the USA and India. We have served corporate clients across different industry verticals with high-end app solutions. We know what it takes to develop an enterprise-grade app that can meet your business needs.

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